Einführung in Die Theorie Und Praxis Der Entscheidung Bei Unsicherheit
M Beckmann and 1 more
Not Available
A Study of the Queueing Systems M/G/1 and GI/M/1
Uggappakodi Narayan Bhat
Term Structure Modeling and Estimation in a State Space Framework
W Lemke
Cooperative Systems
Don A Grundel
H Bühlmann and 2 more
Stochastische Lagerhaltungsmodelle
Dieter Hochstädter
Cluster Analysis
B S Duran and 1 more
Optimal Subset Selection
David Boyce and 2 more
A Neo-Keynesian Theory of Inflation and Economic Growth
S Fujino
Optimal Control Theory and Its Applications
B J Kirby
Supercritical Wing Sections II
F Bauer and 3 more
Introduction to the Theory of Matroids
R v Randow
Optimal Control of Discrete Time Stochastic Systems
C Striebel
Variable Structure Systems With Application to Economics and Biology
R R Mohler and 1 more
Objectives and Multi-Objective Decision Making Under Uncertainty
J Wilhelm
Stabilitätsaussagen Über Klassen Von Matrizen Mit Verschwindenden Zeilensummen
Gerhard A Aschinger
G Uebe
Foundations of System Theory
Brian DO Anderson and 2 more
Input-Output Analysis and the Structure of Income Distribution
K Miyazawa
Optimization and Operations Research
W Oettli and 1 more
Traffic Equilibrium Methods
MA Florian
Inflation in Small Countries
H Frisch
Specification and Estimation of Multiple-Output Production Functions
G Hasenkamp
On Regenerative Processes in Queueing Theory
Jacob W Cohen
Foundations of Optimization
M S Bazaraa and 1 more
Multiple Criteria Decision Making Kyoto 1975
M Zeleny
The Computation of Fixed Points and Applications
M J Todd
Optimale Transportnetze
K C Mosler
Energy, Regional Science and Public Policy
M Chatterji and 1 more
Environment, Regional Science and Interregional Modeling
Integer Programming and Related Areas
C Kastning
Komplementaritäts- Und Fixpunktalgorithmen in Der Mathematischen Programmierung, Spieltheorie Und Ökonomie
HJ Lüthi
Heuristische Planungsmethoden
F Weinberg and 1 more
Multiple Criteria Decision Making
H Thiriez and 1 more
Mathematical Systems Theory
G Marchesini and 1 more
Mathematical Models in Marketing
Ursula H Funke
Warsaw Fall Seminars in Mathematical Economics 1975
M W Los and 2 more
Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
R Glowinski and 1 more
A Disequilibrium-Equilibrium Model With Money and Bonds
H Haga
Entscheidungen Bei Unvollständiger Information
E Kofler and 1 more
Grundlagen Konvexer Optimierung
R Wets
Expectations and Stability in Oligopoly Models
K Okuguchi
Production Theory and Its Applications
H Albach and 1 more
Computing Methods in Optimization Problems
G Arienti and 14 more
Theory of the Price Index
W Eichhorn and 1 more
Mathematical Economics and Game Theory
R Henn and 1 more
On Optimal Population Paths
JS Lane
An Analysis of Economic Size Distributions
B Näslund
Convex Analysis and Its Applications
A Auslender
Extreme Games and Their Solutions
J Rosenmüller
In Search of Economic Indicators
WH Strigel
Resource Allocation and Division of Space
T Fujii and 1 more
Simulationstechnik Und Simulationsmodelle in Den Sozial- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
CE Mandl
Stationäre Und Schrumpfende Bevölkerungen
Gustav Feichtinger
Economic Models, Estimation and Risk Programming:
K A Fox and 2 more
Supercritical Wing Sections III
F Bauer and 2 more
Inventory-Production Theory
CA Schneeweiss
Notwendige Optimalitätsbedingungen Und Ihre Anwendung
A Kirsch and 2 more
Kombinatorische Entscheidungsprobleme: Methoden Und Anwendungen
TM Liebling and 1 more
Problems and Instruments of Business Cycle Analysis
Multiple Criteria Problem Solving
S Zionts
Neo-Ricardian Theory
B Näslund and 1 more
R Henn and 2 more
Set Valued Dynamical Systems and Economic Flow
L J Jr Cherene
Some Aspects of the Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory
PJ Kalman
Nichtlineare Optimierung
HP Künzi and 1 more
Integer Programming and Related Areas A Classified Bibliography 1976-1978
D Hausmann
Rank in Organizations
Martin F Bach
Recent Developments in Variable Structure Systems, Economics and Biology
RR Mohler and 1 more
Optimale Entscheidungen in Organisationen
G Fandel
Multiple Objective Decision Making — Methods and Applications
CL Hwang and 1 more
Identification in Dynamic Shock-Error Models
A Maravall
Minimax Algebra
R A CuninghameGreen
Introduction to Modern Austrian Capital Theory
Malte Faber
Convex Analysis and Mathematical Economics
J Kriens
Coalition Formation by Sophisticated Players
A Rapoport and 3 more
Berechnung Optimaler Steuerungen
H Bauer and 1 more
Axiomatic Models of Bargaining
AE Roth
Approximate Behavior of Tandem Queues
GF Newell
GERT Networks and the Time-Oriented Evaluation of Projects
K Neumann and 1 more
Extremal Methods and Systems Analysis
A V Fiacco and 1 more
Probabilistic Analysis of Redundant Systems
SK Srinivasan and 1 more
Laws of Diminishing Returns
Rolf Färe
Multiple Criteria Decision Making Theory and Application
G Fandel and 1 more
Comparison of Box-Jenkins and Bonn Monetary Model Predition Performance
M N Bhattacharyya
Recent Results in Stochastic Programming
P Kall and 1 more
Optimale Instandhaltungspolitiken in Einfachen Systemen
Manfred Wolff
J F Brotchie and 2 more
Optimization With Disjunctive Constraints
HD Sherali and 1 more
Stochastic Dynamic Properties of Linear Econometric Models
J Wolters
Nonlinear Programming Codes
Klaus Schittkowski
Assignment and Matching Problems
R E Burkard and 1 more
Barriers to Entry
CCv Weizsäcker
Multiple Attribute Decision Making
ChingLai Hwang and 1 more
Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes
W Hock and 1 more
Economic Theory of Public Enterprise
D Bös
Messung Wirtschaftlicher Ungleichheit
AP Lüthi
Mathematical Modeling for Industrial Processes
LP Hyvärinen
Organizations: Multiple Agents With Multiple Criteria
JN Morse
Theory and Estimation of Macroeconomic Rationing Models
HR Sneessens
Robust Methods and Asymptotic Theory in Nonlinear Econometrics
H J Bierens
Cost and Production Functions
RW Shephard
Die Elementare Katastrophentheorie
HW Ursprung
Information Structures in Economics
M Nermuth
Ein Ökonomisches Modell Des Arztverhaltens
P Zweifel
Evaluating Mathematical Programming Techniques
J M Mulvey
U N Bhat
Optimale Fahrpläne
Götz Uebe
The Resource Sector in an Open Economy
H Siebert and 6 more
Price Effects in Input-Output Relations
P M C de Boer
SMS — A Program Package for Simulation and Gaming of Stochastic Market Processes and Learning Behavior
U Witt and 1 more
Compilation of Input-Output Tables
J V Skolka and 16 more
Entscheidungsregeln Bei Risiko Multivariate Stochastische Dominanz
Karl Mosler
Introduction to the Theory of Economic Growth
R Ramanathan
Redundancy in Mathematical Programming
MH Karwan and 3 more
Modern Analysis of Value Theory
Y Fujimori
Econometric Decision Models
J Gruber
Essays and Surveys on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
P Hansen
Graphentheorie in Planungs- Und Tourenproblemen
Thomas M Liebling
Technology, Organization and Economic Structure
R Sato and 1 more
The Stability of a Macroeconomic System With Quantity Constraints
Pvan den Heuvel
Invariance Principles and the Structure of Technology
Entropie, Umweltschutz Und Rohstoffverbrauch
Malte Faber and 2 more
Semi-Infinite Programming and Applications
AV Fiacco and 1 more
Fiscal Policies in a General Equilibrium Model With Persistent Unemployment
HH Müller
The Relation Between Final Demand and Income Distribution
C Grootaert
A Dynamic Theory of the Firm
Paul van Loon
Refinements of the Nash Equilibrium Concept
E van Damme
Theorie Der Homogenen Produktionsfunktion
W Eichhorn
Notes on Economic Time Series Analysis
Masanao Aoki
An Inter-Industry Translog Model of Prices and Technical Change for the West German Economy
S Nakamura
Energy Systems Analysis for Developing Countries
P Meier
Market Demand
W Trockel
Ein Disaggregiertes Prognosesystem Für Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
M Kiy
Zur Analyse Von Märkten Mit Unvollständiger Nachfragerinformation
TRv UngernSternberg
Selected Topics in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics
G Hammer and 1 more
Risk and Capital
G Bamberg and 1 more
Nonlinear Models of Fluctuating Growth
RM Goodwin and 2 more
Interactive Decision Analysis
M Grauer and 1 more
Some Aspects of Queueing and Storage Systems
A Ghosal
Macro-Economic Planning With Conflicting Goals
M Despontin and 2 more
The M/M/8Service System With Ranked Servers in Heavy Traffic
Bayesian Full Information Analysis of Simultaneous Equation Models Using Integration by Monte Carlo
L Bauwens
The World Copper Market
G Wagenhals
A Course in Triangulations for Solving Equations With Deformations
B C Eaves
Stochastic Models in Reliability Theory
S Osaki and 1 more
A Disequilibrium Model of Real and Financial Accumulation in an Open Economy
Giancarlo Gandolfo and 1 more
Misspecification Analysis
Theo K Dijkstra
Location and Layout Planning
W Domschke and 1 more
Microeconomic Models of Housing Markets
Konrad Stahl
Lernprozesse in Stochastischen Automaten
Contributions to Operations Research
Klaus Neumann and 1 more
Das Konzept Rationaler Preiserwartungen
Uli Wittmann
Decision Making With Multiple Objectives
Yacov Y Haimes and 1 more
Rv Randow
Advances in Equilibrium Theory
CD Aliprantis and 2 more
Arbitrage Theory
Jochen EM Wilhelm
Dynamic Feature Space Modelling, Filtering and Self-Tuning Control of Stochastic Systems
Pieter W Otter
Optimization and Discrete Choice in Urban Systems
Bruce G Hutchinson and 2 more
Plural Rationality and Interactive Decision Processes
Manfred Grauer and 2 more
Spatial Price Equilibrium: Advances in Theory, Computation and Application
Patrick T Harker
Konsum- Und Produktionstheorie I
Preference Modelling
Marc Roubens and 1 more
Input-Output Modeling
Anatoli Smyshlyaev
On the Use of Stochastic Processes in Modeling Reliability Problems
Alessandro Birolini
Economic Theory and International Trade in Natural Exhaustible Resources
Cees Withagen
Arbitrage Pricing of Contingent Claims
Sigrid Müller
Nondifferentiable Optimization: Motivations and Applications
Vladimir F Demyanov and 1 more
Convexity and Duality in Optimization
Jacob Ponstein
Dynamics of Macrosystems
JeanP Aubin and 2 more
Eine Allgemeine Theorie Der Polypol- Und Oligopolpreisbildung
Helmut Funke
Infinite Programming
Edward J Anderson and 1 more
Ökonometrische Methoden
Dieter Hochstädter and 1 more
Degeneracy Graphs and the Neighbourhood Problem
HJ Kruse
The Economics of Made-to-Order Production
Thomas R Gulledge and 1 more
A Neo-Classical Theory of Distribution and Wealth
Hans U Buhl
Resource Extraction and Market Structure
Martin Schäfer
Models of Economic Dynamics
Hugo F Sonnenschein
Dynamic Games and Applications in Economics
Tamer Basar
Multi-Stage Production Planning and Inventory Control
Sven Axsäter and 2 more
The Capacity Aspect of Inventories
Roland Bemelmans
Information Evaluation in Capital Markets
Volker Firchau
Optimality in Infinite Horizon Economies
Anders Borglin and 1 more
Computational Methods in Optimal Control Problems
IH Mufti
Technological Change, Employment and Spatial Dynamics
Peter Nijkamp
The Cowles Commission in Chicago, 1939-1955
Clifford Hildreth
Credit Markets With Asymmetric Information
Gerhard Clemenz
Large-Scale Modelling and Interactive Decision Analysis
Günter Fandel and 3 more
Duality in Stochastic Linear and Dynamic Programming
Willem K Klein Haneveld
Competition, Instability, and Nonlinear Cycles
Willi Semmler
Consumer Behavior, Cost of Living Measures, and the Income Tax
Michael R Baye and 1 more
Studies in Austrian Capital Theory, Investment, and Time
P Bernholz and 10 more
The Measurement of the Economic Benefits of Infrastructure Services
Walter E Diewert
Estimation of Disequilibrium Models
HansJürg Büttler and 2 more
Theoretical Approaches to Non-Numerical Problem Solving
R B Banerji and 1 more
Combinatorial Heuristic Algorithms With FORTRAN
Hang Tong Lau
Group Decision Making Under Multiple Criteria
More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes
Forecasting Aggregated Vector ARMA Processes
Helmut Lütkepohl
Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems
Yoshikazu Sawaragi and 2 more
Dynamical Systems
Alexander B Kurzhanski and 1 more
The Estimation of Macroeconomic Disequilibrium Models With Regime Classification Information
Glenn D Rudebusch
Planning in Decentralized Firms
Bert R Meijboom
Some Network Models in Management Science
S E Elmaghraby
Design of Adaptive Organizations
Nobuo Takahashi
Iouri Tchijov and 1 more
Economic Evolution and Structural Adjustment
David Batten and 2 more
Recent Advances and Historical Development of Vector Optimization
Johannes Jahn and 1 more
The Purification Problem for Constrained Games With Incomplete Information
Helmut Meister
Econometric Analysis of Discrete Choice
Axel BörschSupan
Model-Oriented Data Analysis
Valeri Fedorov and 1 more
Integral Global Optimization
Soo H Chew and 1 more
Descent Directions and Efficient Solutions in Discretely Distributed Stochastic Programs
Kurt Marti
An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory
Aaron Strauss
Sensitivitätsanalyse Bei Diskreten Linearen Optimierungsproblemen
H Noltemeier
Programming in Networks and Graphs
Ulrich Derigs
Non-Conventional Preference Relations in Decision Making
Marc Roubens
Advances in Optimization and Control
Horst A Eiselt and 1 more
Empirical Modeling of Exchange Rate Dynamics
Francis X Diebold
Optimization, Parallel Processing and Applications
Alexander Kurzhanski and 2 more
Dynamic Firm and Investor Behaviour Under Progressive Personal Taxation
GeertJan CTvan Schijndel
A Static Microeconomic Model of Pure Competition
Christoph Klein
On Model Uncertainty and Its Statistical Implications
Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling
Joachim R Daduna and 1 more
Growth Cycles and Multisectoral Economics: The Goodwin Tradition
Gianni Ricci and 1 more
Die Nichtzentrale T-Verteilung
Martin Kühlmeyer
Combining Fuzzy Imprecision With Probabilistic Uncertainty in Decision Making
Mario Fedrizzi
Fundamentals of Production Theory
Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models With Error Components Structure
Jayalakshmi Krishnakumar
Sequential Binary Investment Decisions
Werner Jammernegg
Bounded Rational Behavior in Experimental Games and Markets
Reinhard Tietz and 2 more
Information Technology: Social and Spatial Perspectives
Isao Orishimo and 2 more
The Generalized Fechner-Thurstone Direct Utility Function and Some of Its Uses
R L Basmann
Freight Transport Planning and Logistics
Lucio Bianco and 1 more
Simplicial Algorithms on the Simplotope
Timothy M Doup
Theory of Vector Optimization
Dinh The Luc
Homomorphismen Und Reduktionen Linearer Sprachen
F Bartholomes and 1 more
Financial Structure in Small Business
Dominicus van der Wijst
Technological and Social Factors in Long Term Fluctuations
Massimo Di Matteo and 2 more
The Rational Expectations Equilibrium Inventory Model
Tryphon Kollintzas
Capacity Oriented Analysis and Design of Production Systems
MBM de Koster
Game Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Stability
Immanuel M Bomze and 1 more
Alternative Theories of Output, Unemployment, and Inflation in Germany
Christine Sauer
Production Structure and International Trade
Makoto Tawada
Unique Solutions for Strategic Games
Werner Güth and 1 more
Equity, Incentives, and Taxation
Georg Tillmann
Foundations of Non-Stationary Dynamic Programming With Discrete Time Parameter
K Hinderer
Optimal Dynamic Investment Policies of a Value Maximizing Firm
Peter M Kort
Aspiration Based Decision Support Systems
Andrzej Lewandowski and 1 more
Production to Order
Nico Dellaert
Improving Decision Making in Organisations
Alan G Lockett and 1 more
Methodology and Software for Interactive Decision Support
James K K Ho and 1 more
Estimation of Dynamic Econometric Models With Errors in Variables
Jaime Terceiro Lomba
Semi-Markoff-Prozesse Mit Endlich Vielen Zuständen
Horand Störmer
Life Cycles and Long Waves
Tibor Vasko and 2 more
Descriptive Theories of Bargaining
Gerald R Uhlich
The Elements of a Nonlinear Theory of Economic Dynamics
Carl Chiarella
Stochastic Project Networks
Klaus Neumann
Generalized Convexity and Fractional Programming With Economic Applications
Alberto Cambini and 4 more
Rabe v Randow
Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Objective Decision Making
David Rios Insua
Binary Functions and Their Applications
Dynamic Modelling of Stochastic Demand for Manufacturing Employment
Gerard A Pfann
Franz Ferschl
Economic Dynamics
WeiBin Zhang
Multiobjective Problems of Mathematical Programming
Optimal Firm Behaviour in the Context of Technological Progress and a Business Cycle
Onno van Hilten
Decision Processes in Economics
Gianni Ricci
A Structural Analysis of Expectation Formation
Marc Ivaldi
Deterministic Lotsizing Models for Production Planning
Marc Salomon
Multiple Criteria Decision Support
Pekka Korhonen and 2 more
Degeneracy Graphs and Simplex Cycling
Peter Zörnig
Linear Models With Correlated Disturbances
Paul Knottnerus
Exchange Rate Determination and Optimal Economic Policy Under Various Exchange Rate Regimes
Eelke de Jong
On a General Economic Theory of Motion
MJP Magill
Regime Transitions, Spillovers and Buffer Stocks
Peter Stalder
Essays in Macroeconomics of an Open Economy
Franz Gehrels
Distorted Probabilities and Choice Under Risk
Clemens Puppe
Are Policy Variables Exogenous?
Balazs Horvath
Balanced Silverman Games on General Discrete Sets
Gerald A Heuer and 1 more
Josef Gruber
Parallel Computing and Mathematical Optimization
Manfred Grauer and 1 more
Interactive Fuzzy Optimization
Mario Fedrizzi and 1 more
The Visible Hand
Reiner B Koblo
On Round-Off Errors in Linear Programming
H MüllerMerbach
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
MJ Beckmann and 2 more
Flexibility and Adjustment to Information in Sequential Decision Problems
Armin Schmutzler
The Social Viability of Money
Joan Esteban
Simulation and Optimization
Georg Pflug and 1 more
Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making
ShuJen Chen and 1 more
Bootstrapping and Related Techniques
KarlHeinz Jöckel and 2 more
Operator Theorems With Applications to Distributive Problems and Equilibrium Models
Antonio Villar
Modern Methods of Optimization
Werner Krabs and 1 more
Stochastic Optimization
Statistische Methoden I
E Walter
Invariance and Structural Dependence
Jan Odelstad
Advances in Optimization
Werner Oettli and 1 more
Capital Accumulation in a Corporatist Economy
Juhana Vartiainen
Lectures on the Economic Theory of Taxation
Alan Martina
The Monetary Model of Exchange Rates and Cointegration
Javier Gardeazabal and 1 more
Martin Desrochers and 1 more
Social Choice and Bargaining Perspectives on Distributive Justice
Wulf Gaertner and 1 more
Inventory Control
Dieter Bartmann and 1 more
Game Theory and Economic Applications
Bhaskar Dutta and 5 more
Statistische Methoden II
Minimum Impatience Theorems for Recursive Economic Models
Gerhard Sorger
Experimental Duopoly Markets With Demand Inertia
Claudia Keser
Stochastic Two-Stage Programming
Karl Frauendorfer
Price Stabilization on World Agricultural Markets
Bernd Lucke
Fuzzy Mathematical Programming
YoungJou Lai and 1 more
Economic Evolution and Demographic Change
Günter Haag and 2 more
Applied Simulated Annealing
Rene VV Vidal
User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support
Jaap Wessels and 1 more
Exogeneity in Error Correction Models
JeanPierre Urbain
Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Social Sciences
Franco Gori and 2 more
Einführung in Die Methode Branch and Bound
Franz Weinberg
Branch and Bound: Eine Einführung
F Weinberg
The Coordinate-Free Approach to Gauss-Markov Estimation
H Drygas
Stochastic Orders and Applications
Karl Mosler and 1 more
Adjustment Processes for Exchange Economies and Noncooperative Games
Antoon van den Elzen
Predictive Behavior
Gunnar Brennscheidt
Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making
Generalized Convexity
Sandor Komlosi and 2 more
Dynamic Timing Decisions Under Uncertainty
Nguyen M Hung and 1 more
Empirical Vector Autoregressive Modeling
Marius Ooms
Lotsizing and Scheduling for Production Planning
Knut Haase
Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
Arno Sprecher
Zwei Lösungsmethoden Für Nichtkonvexe Programmierungsprobleme
U Ueing
An Integrated Approach in Production Planning and Scheduling
Stephane DauzerePeres and 1 more
Two-Person Bargaining Experiments With Incomplete Information
Bettina Kuon
Inventory, Business Cycles and Monetary Transmission
Riccardo Fiorito
Imperfect General Equilibrium
Pier C Nicola
Control and Game Models of the Greenhouse Effect
Herman SJ Cesar
Non-Cooperative Planning Theory
Peter Bogetoft
Nonlinear and Convex Analysis in Economic Theory
Toru Maruyama and 1 more
Marga Peeters
Triangulations and Simplicial Methods
Chuangyin Dang
Representations of Preferences Orderings
Douglas S Bridges and 1 more
Stochastic Programming
Kurt Marti and 1 more
Silverman's Game
Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics
Bärbel Finkenstädt
Microsimulation Modelling of the Corporate Firm
Frank W van Tongeren
Recent Developments in Optimization
Roland Durier and 1 more
Bayesian Full Information Structrual Analysis
JA Morales
Joachim R Daduna and 2 more
Causal and Stochastic Elements in Business Cycles
Arvid Aulin
Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming
Mehrdad Tamiz
Exchange Rates and Prices
Jayant Menon
Dynamic Models of the Firm
Mark WJ Blok and 1 more
Interest Rate Dynamics, Derivatives Pricing, and Risk Management
Lin Chen
Bargaining in Economic and Ethical Environments
Marlies KlemischAhlert
Batching and Scheduling
Carsten Jordan
General Equilibrium With Increasing Returns
Learning to Become Rational
Markus Zenner
Stochastische Modelle Demographischer Prozesse
G Feichtinger
Litigation and Settlement in a Game With Incomplete Information
Wolfgang Ryll
On Overlapping Generations Models With Productive Capital
Günther Lang
Dynamic Competitive Analysis in Marketing
International Workshop on Dynamic Competitive Analysis in Marketing and 2 more
Stochastic Modelling in Innovative Manufacturing
Anthony H Christer and 2 more
Geert Dhaene
Rings in Auctions
Angelo Artale
International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making and 3 more
Complexity and Self-Organization in Social and Economic Systems
Fukang Wang and 1 more
Hauptaustauschschritte (Principal Pivoting)
K Wendler
Network Optimization
Panos M Pardalos and 2 more
Rational Bubbles
Matthias Salge
Recent Advances in Optimization
Peter Gritzmann and 3 more
Constructing Scalar-Valued Objective Functions
Andranik Tangian and 1 more
Markov-Switching Vector Autoregressions
HansMartin Krolzig
Advances in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming
Rafael Caballero and 2 more
Simulating Social Phenomena
Rosaria Conte and 2 more
Volume and the Nonlinear Dynamics of Stock Returns
Chiente Hsu
Stochastic Programming Methods and Technical Applications
Measuring Trends in U.S. Income Inequality
Hang K Ryu and 1 more
Lecons Sur La Theorie Des Automates Mathematiques
C Boucher
Advances in Distribution Logistics
Bernhard Fleischmann and 3 more
Axiomatic Utility Theory Under Risk
Ulrich Schmidt
Dynamic Preferences, Choice Mechanisms, and Welfare
Ludwig von Auer
Non-Linear Dynamics and Endogenous Cycles
Gilbert AbrahamFrois
The Impact of Science on Economic Growth and Its Cycles
Trends in Multicriteria Decision Making
Theodor Stewart and 1 more
The Alternating Double Auction Market
Abdolkarim Sadrieh
Bargaining in a Video Experiment
Heike HennigSchmidt
Environmental Kuznets Curves
Michael P Vogel
Optimierung Linearer Regelsysteme Mit Quadratischer Zielfunktion
HA Nour Eldin
Nigel HM Wilson
Money Illusion and Strategic Complementarity as Causes of Monetary Non-Neutrality
JeanRobert Tyran
Performance Analysis of Flow Lines With Non-Linear Flow of Material
Stefan Helber
The Core of Economies With Asymmetric Information
Ulrich Schwalbe
Dynamic Macroeconomics With Imperfect Competition
Leo Kaas
Fiscal Policy, Public Debt and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
Roland Demmel
Ill-Posed Variational Problems and Regularization Techniques
Michel Thera and 1 more
Project Scheduling Under Limited Resources
Sönke Hartmann
Money, Inflation, and Capital Formation
Leopold von Thadden
FORTRAN Für Anfänger
Martin Constam
New Trends in Distribution Logistics
M Grazia Speranza and 1 more
Van Hien Nguyen and 2 more
A Theory of International Trade
Equity, Efficiency and Evolutionary Stability in Bargaining Games With Joint Production
Manfred Königstein
Interaction and Market Structure
Domenico Delli Gatti and 2 more
Search Games and Other Applications of Game Theory
Andrey Garnaev
Nonlinear Labor Market Dynamics
Michael Neugart
Research and Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Omitted Variable Tests and Dynamic Specification
Björn Schmolck
Transitional Dynamics and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
Thomas Steger
Regelungstechnische Stochastische Optimierungsverfahren in Unternehmensforschung Und Wirtschaftstheorie
CA Schneeweiß
Strategic Safety Stocks in Supply Chains
Stefan Minner
Constraint Propagation in Flexible Manufacturing
Toan Phan Huy
Design of Master Agreements for OTC Derivatives
Dietmar Franzen
Combined Relaxation Methods for Variational Inequalities
Igor Konnov
Unemployment in Open Economies
Pia Weiß
Conditional Moment Estimation of Nonlinear Equation Systems
Joachim Inkmann
A Macroeconomic Model of West German Unemployment
Michael Reutter
Focal Points in Framed Games
Andre Casajus
Information Theory for Systems Engineers
Unternehmensforschung Heute
M Beckmann
Technical Progress and Economic Growth
Franco Nardini
Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics
Moritz Fleischmann
Generalized Convexity and Generalized Monotonicity
Nicolas Hadjisavvas and 2 more
Economics With Heterogeneous Interacting Agents
Alan Kirman and 1 more
The Measurement of Market Risk
PierreYves Moix
Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport
Stefan Voß and 1 more
Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium
Murat Köksalan and 1 more
Investment, R&D, and Long-Run Growth
Dietmar Hornung
Digitale Simulation
Kurt Bauknecht and 1 more
Constructing and Applying Objective Functions
Andranik S Tangian and 1 more
An Economic Theory of Cities
Stochastic Optimization Techniques
Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing
Shouyang Wang and 1 more
Planning Stability in Material Requirements Planning Systems
Gerald Heisig
Cooperative Decision Making in Common Pool Situations
Holger I Meinhardt
Bilateral Bargaining
Stefan Napel
Quantitative Approaches to Distribution Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Andreas Klose and 2 more
Invariant Imbedding
RE Bellman and 1 more
Heterogenous Agents, Interactions and Economic Performance
Robin Cowan and 1 more
Corporate Finance, Innovation, and Strategic Competition
Cornelia Neff
A Theory of Interregional Dynamics
Programme Evaluation and Treatment Choice
Markus Frölich
Capacity Reservation for Capital-Intensive Technologies
Stefan Spinler
A Theory of Supply Chains
Carlos F Daganzo
Information Dissemination in Currency Crises
Christina Evelies Metz
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Inbound Call Centers
Raik Stolletz
Analysis, Controllability and Optimization of Time-Discrete Systems and Dynamical Games
Werner Krabs
Kooperative Spiele Und Märkte
Joachim Rosenmüller
Unemployment, Market Structure and Growth
Rüdiger Wapler
The Complex Dynamics of Economic Interaction
Mauro Gallegati and 2 more
Dynamic Stochastic Optimization
K Marti and 2 more
Environmental and Resource Policy for Consumer Durables
Marco Runkel
Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation
Xavier Gandibleux and 3 more
Model Reduction Methods for Vector Autoregressive Processes
Ralf Brüggemann
Pricing in (In)Complete Markets
Angelika Esser
The Econometrics of Sequential Trade Models
Stefan Kokot
Modelling Irregularly Spaced Financial Data
Nikolaus Hautsch
Steady State Capital Theory
CC v Weizsäcker
Optimal Portfolios With Stochastic Interest Rates and Defaultable Assets
Holger Kraft
Vector Optimization
Guangya Chen and 2 more
Union Wage Bargaining and Economic Growth
Jörg Lingens
Default Risk in Bond and Credit Derivatives Markets
Christoph Benkert
Distribution Logistics
Bernhard Fleischmann and 1 more
Lot-Sizing and Scheduling for Flexible Flow Lines
Daniel Quadt
Signal Extraction
Marc Wildi
Generalized Bounds for Convex Multistage Stochastic Programs
D Kuhn
Kanban-Controlled Manufacturing Systems
Georg Krieg
Statistical Inference in Random Coefficient Regression Models
PAVB Swamy
Nonlinear Dynamics and Heterogeneous Interacting Agents
Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents and 3 more
New Tools of Economic Dynamics
Jacek Leskow and 2 more
Time Continuity in Discrete Time Models
Christopher Suerie
Strategic Trading in Illiquid Markets
Burkart Mönch
Consumption Structure and Macroeconomics
Reto Foellmi
Learning in Economic Systems With Expectations Feedback
Jan Wenzelburger
Equity and Efficiency Considerations of Public Higher Education
Salvatore Barbaro
Constrained Extrema Introduction to the Differentiable Case With Economic Applications
MA ElHodiri
Index and Stability in Bimatrix Games
H Arndt von Schemde
Principles of Network Economics
Hagen Bobzin
Standardization and Expectations
Tobias Langenberg
FrenchGerman Conference on Optimization and 1 more
Artificial Economics
Philippe Mathieu and 2 more
A Structural Framework for the Pricing of Corporate Securities
Michael Genser
The Complex Networks of Economic Interactions
Microeconometric Evaluation of Labour Market Policies
Marco Caliendo
Strategic Competition in Oligopolies With Fluctuating Demand
Leslie Neubecker
Zeitvariable Mehrgröensysteme
E Freund
The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy
Jaejoon Woo
Market-Conform Valuation of Options
Tobias Herwig
Matthias F Jäkel
International Trade and Multinational Activity
Julian Emami Namini
Dynamic Inventory Management in Reverse Logistics
Rainer Kleber
Capacity Options for Revenue Management
Rolf Hellermann
Economic Dynamics and Information
Jaroslav Zajac
Bargaining Power Effects in Financial Contracting
Kai Rudolph
Optimal Risk-Return Trade-Offs of Commercial Banks
Jochen Kühn
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance
Dieter Sondermann
Theorie Der Linearen Dekomposition
Paul B Hagelschuer
Posted Price Offers in Internet Auction Markets
Stefan Seifert
Coping With Uncertainty
Sovereign Default Risk Valuation
Jochen R Andritzky
Generalized Convexity and Related Topics
International Symposium on Generalized ConvexityMonotonicity and 3 more
Advances in Artificial Economics
Charlotte Bruun
The Knowledge Ahead Approach to Risk
Robin Pope and 2 more
Strategic Closed-Loop Supply Chain Management
Baptiste Lebreton
Real Options and Intellectual Property
Philipp N Baecker
Dynamic Pricing and Automated Resource Allocation for Complex Information Services
Michael Schwind
Growth in Open Economies
JA Hanson
Developments on Experimental Economics
Sobei H Oda
Economic Evolution and Equilibrium
Marco LehmannWaffenschmidt
Complex Systems Approach to Economic Dynamics
Abraham CL Chian
The Employment Effects of Technological Change
Jens Rubart
Preferences in Negotiations
Henner Gimpel
Risk-Averse Capacity Control in Revenue Management
Christiane Barz
Partner Choice and Cooperation in Networks
Aljaz Ule
Artificial Markets Modeling
Andrea Consiglio
Einführungskursus in Die Dynamische Programmierung
H P Künzi and 2 more
Schätz- Und Kontrolltheorie in Stetigen Dynamischen Wirtschaftsmodellen Mit System- Und Beobachtungsfehlern
Harry Hauptmann
Computer-Aided Systems in Public Transport
International Conference on Computeraided Scheduling of Public Transport and 3 more
CGE Models and Capital Income Tax Reforms
Doina Maria Radulescu
Agent-Based Modeling
Norman Ehrentreich
Sports Leagues Scheduling
Dirk Briskorn
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory
Donald J Brown and 1 more
Bond Portfolio Optimization
Michael Puhle
Evolution of Non-Expected Utility Preferences
Sven von Widekind
Pricing Interest-Rate Derivatives
Markus Bouziane
Experimenting With Dynamic Macromodels
Pier Carlo Nicola
Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization
Yong Fang and 2 more
Wartesysteme Mit Variabler Bearbeitungsrate
K H F Meyer
Pension Systems, Demographic Change, and the Stock Market
Marten Hillebrand
Portfolios of Real Options
Rainer Brosch
Financial Risk Management With Bayesian Estimation of GARCH Models
David Ardia
Networks, Topology and Dynamics
Ahmad K Naimzada and 2 more
Complexity and Artificial Markets
Klaus Schredelseker and 1 more
Pricing of Bond Options
Detlef Repplinger
Generalized Convexity and Optimization
Alberto Cambini and 1 more
Auctions in the Electricity Market
Stefan Schöne
W Krelle and 1 more
The Value of Information Updating in New Product Development
Christian Artmann
Macroeconomic Consequences of Demographic Change
Sebastian Rausch
Option Pricing in Fractional Brownian Markets
Stefan Rostek
Forecasting and Hedging in the Foreign Exchange Markets
Christian Ullrich
Metaheuristics in the Service Industry
Martin Josef Geiger
Microeconomic Risk Management and Macroeconomic Stability
Andreas Röthig
Bubbles and Crashes in Experimental Asset Markets
Stefan Palan
Fairness in Bargaining and Markets
Christopher M Korth
Supply Chain Coordination Mechanisms
Martin Albrecht
Relational Supply Contracts
Michaela Isabel Höhn
Monte Carlo Simulation Im Operations Research
Juerg Kohlas
Pricing of Derivatives on Mean-Reverting Assets
Björn Lutz
Cesáreo Hernández Iglesias and 2 more
Theory of Zipf's Law and Beyond
A I Saichev and 2 more
Kurt Marti and 2 more
Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems
International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making and 1 more
Decision-Making in Committees
Nicola F Maaser
Production and Inventory Management With Substitutions
J Christian Lang
Conjugate Duality in Convex Optimization
Radu Ioan Bot
New Developments in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming
International Conference on MultiObjective Programming and Goal Programming and 3 more
Monopsonistic Labour Markets and the Gender Pay Gap
Boris Hirsch
Optimierung in Funktionenräumen
P Gessner and 1 more
Flexible Shift Planning in the Service Industry
Jens O Brunner
Collaborative Promotions
Daniela Wiehenbrauk
Cooperative Lot Sizing Games in Supply Chains
Julia Drechsel
Progress in Artificial Economics
Marco LiCalzi and 2 more
Pricing and Risk Management of Synthetic CDOs
Anna Schlösser
Random-Like Multiple Objective Decision Making
Jiuping Xu and 1 more
New State of MCDM in the 21st Century
Supply Chain Coordination in Case of Asymmetric Information
Guido Voigt
Periodic Review Inventory Systems
Thomas Wensing
Emergent Results of Artificial Economics
Sjoukje Osinga and 2 more
Network Economics and the Allocation of Savings
Philipp Servatius
The Yield Curve and Financial Risk Premia
Felix Geiger
New Insights Into the Theory of Giffen Goods
Willem Heijman and 1 more
Empirical Modelling in Regional Science
Timo Mitze
Managing Safety of Heterogeneous Systems
IU M Ermolev and 2 more
A Theory of Supercritical Wing Sections,
Quantitative Models for Value-Based Supply Chain Management
Marcus Brandenburg
Efficiency and Equity in Welfare Economics
Managing Market Complexity
Andrea Teglio
Performance Analysis of Closed Queueing Networks
Svenja Lagershausen
Information Quality and Management Accounting
Stephan Leitner
Len H Wallast
Lectures on Mathematical Theory of Extremum Problems
I V Girsanov
Time and Money
Jean Pierre Aubin
Capacity and Inventory Planning for Make-to-Order Production Systems
Klaus Altendorfer
Optimizing Hospital-Wide Patient Scheduling
Daniel Gartner
Decision Making and Knowledge Decision Support Systems
Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras and 1 more
Social Simulation Conference
Fairness in Academic Course Timetabling
Moritz Mühlenthaler
Computability and Decidability
J Loeckx
Computational Management Science
International Conference on Management Science
The Short-Run Approach to Long-Run Equilibrium in Competitive Markets
Anthony Horsley and 2 more
Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and Welfare
Capacitated Planned Maintenance
Torben Kuschel
Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics
Gustav Feichtinger and 2 more
Random-Like Bi-Level Decision Making
Jiuping Xu and 2 more
Essays on Wage Bargaining in Dynamic Macroeconomics
Oliver Claas
Sequencing Theory
S Ashour
Pairwise Comparisons Method
Jaroslav Ramík
Einführung in Die Theorie Der Lagerhaltung
W Popp
The Economic Effects of Floods
J P Brown
Konsum- Und Produktionstheorie II
Numerical Methods in Markov Chains and Bulk Queues
T P Bagchi and 1 more
Suboptimale Regler Mit Abschnittweise Linearer Struktur
Harro Kiendl
Aggregation Von Produktionsfunktionen
Fritz Pokropp
1. Fachtagung Über Programmiersprachen
Hans Langmaack and 1 more
Optimale Entscheidung Bei Mehrfacher Zielsetzung
Problemes De Minimax Via l'Analyse Convexe Et Les Inegalites Variationnelles
Alfred Auslender
GI. Gesellschaft Für Informatik e.V. 2. Jahrestagung
P Deussen
Cones, Matrices and Mathematical Programming
Abraham Berman
Modeles d'Attente M/G/I Et GJ/M/I a Arrivees Et Services En Groupes
J Teghem and 2 more
International Seminar on Trends in Mathematical Modelling
Nigel Hawkes
Resolution Space, Operators and Systems
R Saeks
NTG/GI Gesellschaft Für Informatik Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft. Fachtagung „Cognitive Verfahren Und Systeme"
Theodor Einsele and 2 more
Stochastic Differential Systems I
A V Balakrishnan
Economics of Involuntary Transfers
T Page
Symposium on the Theory of Scheduling and Its Applications
Approximate Stochastic Behavior of N-Server Service Systems With Large N
G F Newell
Güterströme in Netzen
Helmut Steckhan
Estimation of Product Attributes and Their Importances
J P Wallace and 1 more
Einführung in Die Mathematischen Grundlagen Der Informationstheorie
Ernst Schultze
Posterior and Predictive Densities for Simultaneous Equation Models
JF Richard
General Equilibrium With Price-Making Firms
T Marschak and 1 more
Topological Methods in Walrasian Economics
E Dierker
4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control
M Mansour and 1 more
Linear Multiobjective Programming
Zur Theorie Von Neumannscher Wachstumsmodelle
O Moeschlin
Über Die Stabilität Des Einfachen Bedienungskanals
G Schmidt
Mathematical Methods in Queueing Theory
A B Clarke
Production Theory
W Eichhorn and 3 more